Perfect Day

Fest's guide to a day's worth of food, drink and entertainment at Adelaide Fringe 2018

feature (adelaide) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 22 Feb 2018

Hey Jupiter 

11 Ebenezer Pl, Sun-Thu 7am-11pm, Fri & Sat 7am-midnight, 

An early dinner to tide you over! Indulge in rich pate with brioche, a crackling creme brulee and a glass of France’s finest bubbles to kick your night off right. Practise your high school French with the waiters before heading out to a Fringe-filled evening.

Jude Perl: Let's Hang Out

Gluttony, 6.45pm

Everyone loves some light-hearted humour and Gluttony has you covered with Jude Perl: Let’s Hang Out. A blend of comedy and cabaret, Perl’s charming honesty as a performer shines. Experience her self-deprecating but all-too-familiar humour in a space where the audience and Perl just want to hang out.

Borders by Henry Naylor

Holden Street Theatres, 9pm

The new confronting theatre piece from Henry Naylor brings multiple stories together at a sharp intersection, forming a wedge which drives home an intense and emotional conclusion for political issues in the Middle East. His scenes bring a levity to the proceedings, but also build the ideological framework upon which the narrative rests.

Motherlode Nuggeteria

Royal Croquet Club, times vary 

Grab the freshest, tastiest nuggs around at Motherlode Nuggeteria. Laksa or Mi Goreng for an Asian twist, or standard deep fried goodness to please all. Fingerfood is the name of the game – crack the sauce and get into the next show!

RCC & Carla Lippis Present 'Midnight Marauders'

RCC, 11pm

With a changing lineup each night, you’re sure to see the best of what the Fringe has to offer. Carla Lippis hosts one of the hottest nights filled with comedy, clowning, cabaret and burlesque. Lippis owns the night as the trashy glam goddess who gets right into the faces (and laps) of the audience.

Kick Ons

Head to NOLA (28 Vardon Ave) in the East End for some of the best local breweries on tap, and world renowned whiskey just a pour away. Try what you can in the relaxed surrounds, and when the weather is fine, grab a table outside to experience the best that the Fringe vibe has to offer.