Have you tried yoga?

theatre review (adelaide) | Read in About 1 minute
Published 04 Mar 2018

Have you tried yoga? tackles the toxic notions of what it means to have a disability, by rebuking the wider narrative that disabilities are confining or burdensome, and by bluntly telling anyone with homeopathic or wellness strategies to, quite explicitly, "fuck off."

Rachel Edmonds stars in the production and details their personal journey before and after being diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. In a monologic display of their experiences, Edmonds monopolizes the conversation around disability in ways that are confronting and empowering. This theatre piece sets to redefine social narratives of what it means to have visible and invisible disabilities, and is aided by both heartening and painfully honest recorded stories of others’ lived truths (which are played intermittently throughout the show).

Edmonds and fellow actor Martin Astifo succeed in delivering an important piece of theatre that intersects disability with love, sexuality, friendship and self-love, and serves as a resonant conversation-starter that has been long overdue.