Cafe Grande

184 Bruntsfield Place, Marchmont & Morningside

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
Published 04 Aug 2009

A Bruntsfield favourite, Cafe Grande welcomes you into its deep red interior, making you feel warm and snug no matter what the Scottish weather outside.

You could stay here all day as the menu takes you from breakfast to dinner, via the lunch-time specials. The daytime menu is solid and reliable – which sometimes feels the same as saying boring. However, in the evenings the lights dim and the kitchen comes into its own, with seasonal offerings competing with perennial favourites like haddock in batter (with proper chunky chips) for your attention.

A famous fan of Cafe Grande remains faithful, even since her best-selling children’s books made her rich enough to eat anywhere she fancies. Keep your eyes peeled for a petite blond writing in the corner...