A Stone's Throw

A puppet show about a broken sun is too dark for Anna Morrison

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
33330 large
121329 original
Published 14 Aug 2011
33328 large
121329 original

A Stone's Throw is about a girl who threw a stone at the sun and the sun broke into lots of pieces. The story is about her trying to put the sun back together again. 

I sat in the front row, and I was the youngest person there and the hall was very dark and a bit scary. The actors had kits of clothes, lights and a big sheet and shadow puppets. I liked the bird monster but I did not like the sea monster and was frightened and jumped. I did not really enjoy the show because it was frightening and I think maybe it would be better for people older than me. The music was quite nice though.

I would not recommend it to five-year-olds or younger children though, as it was dark and a bit too scary.