Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs

Archie Lamb, age 5, gets very excited about Les Enfants Terrible's kids debut.

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
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Published 09 Aug 2013

I think all kids would love this show! It is one of my favourite books and right from the start I thought the show was brilliant. 

The story is about a boy called Flinn who loves dinosaurs, especially T-Rexes. One day at school, Flinn and his friends go into the art cupboard and suddenly find themselves plunged into an exciting adventure with pirate dinosaurs.

There are only four actors playing all the different characters, and they really made me laugh. They did brilliant singing and dancing (and scooter-ing). Sometimes we could all join in, and a few times the actors ran around in the audience. 

All the clever lights, sounds and props they used were cool, and I loved the bits when the magic takes them out of, and back into, the cupboard. There was always lots of fun stuff going on, like bubbles flying, snow falling and animal puppets. The dinosaurs were amazing!

My favourite part was when Flinn throws poo stew over Mr T’s head, and also when he has the funny fight with the triceratops!

I loved everything about this show. At the end, it felt like I had been on the magical adventure too.