Funz and Gamez Tooz

Nine-year-old Lauren Hunter can't wait for Funz and Gamez Threez!

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 08 Aug 2015
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What happens in the show?

Phil Ellis and his friends challenge the children to games but the adults are the ones that act like children.

Describe the show in five words

Hilarious chaos for all ages.

Who was your favourite character and why? 

Phil Ellis – because he didn't know why his girlfriend was on holiday. (I told Mum I think Phil's girlfriend is having an affair.)

Were there any characters you didn’t like? 

No. They all did at least one thing that was funny.

What did you like most about the show? 

There was a magician who just wanted to smoke cigarettes and it was very funny.

What didn’t you like about the show?

Jim the Elf didn't do enough stuff. I like Jim the Elf. 

What did you think of the songs? 

He did one song but also lots of 'life lessons'.

How did the show compare to the TV programme?

I've seen Funz and Gamez on TV [BBC3 Pilot] and I liked it but I've seen both shows live and that is always better. 

What did your grown-up think of the show? 

My cousin Katie is 16 and thought it used children to make adults laugh and she wasn't happy. But I am nine and a kid and I thought these were the best bits. 

Would you tell your friends to come and see the show? 

Yes I would. It wasn't quite as good as the first show but then the first show was brilliant and this is still really good. I hope they do Funz and Gamez Threez.