Hairy Maclary’s Cat Tales

Eve Green, six, enjoys hearing lots of stories all in one show

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
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Published 18 Aug 2015

What happens in the show?

Riverside Hall Cat Show is on and Slinkly Malinki has stolen all the trophies. They find all the trophies through the show. There were loads of good stories and songs about Hairy Maclary as well.

Describe the show in five words

Sneaky, funny, fantastic, doggy and catty.

Who was your favourite character and why? 

Schnitzel von Krumm because he had a great costume and lay down like a sausage dog really well. I liked the grannies too.

Were there any characters you didn’t like? 

I wasn’t so keen on Hercules Morse because he was too big and boundy and my little sister was a bit scared of him. 

What did you like most about the show? 

I liked the Slinky Malinki song, the cats and Schnitzel von Krumm.

What didn’t you like about the show?

I’d heard some of the stories before and I wanted to see some new stories.

What did you think of the songs? 

We really liked the sneaky Slinky Malinki song the best. The other songs were okay. 

How did the show compare to the book?

I liked the show better than the book because you could see the faces of the people in the show, and you got to see lots of the stories all in one show.

Would you tell your friends to come and see the show? 

I’d recommend it to my little sister’s friends.

What did your grown-up think of the show? 

We enjoyed it but our two-year-old had a better time than the six-year-old did. The cast worked very hard and we enjoyed the animal costumes which were great at creating the characters. Scenery was pretty basic and although drawn to look like the illustrations from the book, could have been better produced and used. Overall everyone in the audience seemed to have a good time.