Jessie Cave: Book Worm

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 11 Aug 2012
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This is one for teens, not small kids. Teens will know that actress Jessie Cave played Lavender Brown in the Harry Potter series. But this is Cave in character—albeit with the same name—nerdy and obsessive with big specs and a Narnia sweatshirt.

The show sees Cave’s character welcoming us to her very first book club—Bookworms United—that she has prepared obsessively for; the stage is filled with handmade props such as the cardboard box Wendy house and hand drawn signs. What follows is a mix of comedy and storytelling as she gushes enthusiastically about the books that have influenced her over the years since her failed tennis career. The sub plot of her unrequited love—illustrated with shadow puppetry—gives us a further glimpse into her fanatical nature.

On stage Cave ropes in her little sister Bebe to help and their relationship is one of the highlights of the show; bossy older sister, compliant little sister. Bebe isn’t allowed to step out of line for one minute and her dejected deadpan face gives some of the biggest laughs.

Cave is wise enough to know that the Harry Potter connection will get people through the door—she references it herself on stage—but she does a great job once they’re in. The laughs might not necessarily come from straight up jokes but they certainly come from the hugely likeable geeky characters. I suspect we’ll be seeing more of Cave in the coming years.