
Ellie Rutherford is a big fan of talent shows... but Judgestars leaves her confused

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
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102793 original
Published 16 Aug 2011
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121329 original

I was looking forward to seeing Judgestars as I love talent shows. When I walked in all the characters looked fun as they stood at the door in their costumes. It looked like it might be a good show.

Fez was a cool host and started the show by telling everyone how to be judges. Two people from the audience were chosen to join the lead judge Simon Growl, the bear. This all took a while, and Simon Growl sounded more like a dog than a bear. He became quite annoying!

When the talent show started, all the performers were excellent and did amazing acrobatics. My favourite was Gino Cappuccino’s spinning rope trick.

I thought the show was getting better but after the circus tricks, Simon Growl and Fez performed and I didn’t know whether they were meant to be good or not. I was a bit confused at the end.