Lapin Wants Breakfast

The simple story of a French rabbit and his friends leaves Ruth Dawkins with a smile on her face

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
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Published 14 Aug 2011

If proof were ever needed that you don’t need too many bright lights, bells and whistles to keep children entertained, then Lapin Wants Breakfast certainly provides it.  

This is a sweet, gentle wee show about a rabbit in search of his perfect "petit dejeuner". He is helped along the way by his friends – snail, bird and worm. The performance is mainly in English, but with key words repeated in French, and plenty of audience involvement (including a rendition of Frère Jacques, which my toddler belted out with great enthusiasm).

The performance is held together by the charming Tania Czajka, founder of Le Petit Monde theatre company. She narrates the story, works the puppets and even stands by the door on the way out, handing pieces of apple to the young audience members.

It was disappointing to see such a small audience at this show. Those who did brave the rain to take their seats at the Scottish Storytelling Centre thought it was très jolie.