
Seven-and-half year old Ruby Foster sharpens her pencil and finds that the oysters steal this show

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
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100487 original
Published 06 Aug 2016
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102793 original

What happens in the show?

There's these three oysters and a girl, and the girl is a bit grumpy. She finds a pearl necklace from her mum and she goes on a quest to find out why it is so rare, special and beautiful. But will the oysters help, or just get in the way?

Describe the show in five words

Funny, cheeky, sandy, loud, silly.

Who was your favourite character and why? 

The three oysters, because they were funny. And even though they get in the way sometimes and are a bit cheeky, they always try to stand up for each other.

Were there any characters you didn’t like? 

There wasn't any character I didn't like. But Mermalade could have been more fun.

What did you like most about the show? 

The characters were good, so was the acting, and I enjoyed it.

What didn’t you like about the show?

I thought the story could have been a bit better so it could keep our attention more.

What did your grown-up think of the show? 

He wasn't sure if the slightly odd mix of campy panto characters, and an ernest lead was completely successful. He also though that the themes were a little too oblique for the kids—and even their grown-ups—to fully appreciate. He did chuckle a good few times, though.

Would you tell your friends to come and see the show? 


Well, maybe some of my younger friends. Especially if they were around 3–5.