Rapunzel - May The Force Be With You!

Ben Cotter, aged 6

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
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Published 06 Aug 2013
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The show is basically about the good side of the force defeating the bad side. It has a sad start because Rapunzel was taken by bad witch Darth Vadia. It was scary too as the witch gave me the creeps and there was alot of smoke.

It got really funny when we met Trapper the alien as he kept on bumping into things. 

The venue is quite small so you could see the actors. It’s really interactive and I enjoyed pretending to be an X-Wing fighter. It was cool because I also got to help Duke Skylord build up more force to defeat the dark side! The best bit was when Darth and Duke were fighting with lightsabers and we joined in.

It was brilliant and exciting and had a happy ending. It's definitely about Star Wars though, so I don't think my little sister would have liked it. My Mum says that if you don't want to pay extra for light sabers, you should take your own or wait till the bit at the end where they give you a foam one to borrow.