The Amazing Bubble Man

The Amazing Bubble Man finds his thin, soapy film popped by Ruth Dawkins

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
Published 16 Aug 2011

Everyone loves bubbles, right? Whether you’re two or ninety-two, bubbles fall into that same category as ice-cream and rainbows; something that everybody loves.

Given that, I was expecting to have a brilliant time at The Amazing Bubble Show. I’d tried to buy an extra ticket for a friend the day before and been informed that all remaining dates were now sold out. "Wow!” I thought. “This guy must be good!”

Well, no, as it turns out. He would be entertaining for twenty minutes at a party but, by the end of an hour, the act feels tedious. It relies heavily on the performance of children plucked from the audience – great fun for those involved, pretty dull for those left on the sidelines.

To give The Bubble Man his due, I will confess that I probably don’t have the skill to make a square bubble, or a bubble filled with smoke. But nor do I charge eight quid a ticket or call myself ‘Amazing’.