The Magical Playroom With Cbeebies' Cerrie Burnell

Four year old, Phoebe Black (with some help from her mum) gives her expert opinion on the latest kids' offerings.

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
Published 04 Aug 2013

The show was about a girl who went inside a magical playroom, which was in a hospital. She went to hospital because her mama told her she needed to wear a plastic arm but she didn’t want to. The girl had a name for the plastic arm and it had tattoos on it, which was funny. 

My favourite bit was when she went inside the playroom. She got a big key to get inside the room. When she got inside all of her toys—the snow tiger, the rocking horse and little rag doll—had been made bigger by magic and they could talk to her.

It was funny when she was shouting "NO! NO! NO!" and tooting on her trumpet very loudly when she didn't want to listen to her mama. There was glitter at the end and some smoke that looked like clouds. It was a really really good show.