The Story of Mr B

Eve Green, aged 7, found this puppet show about friendship and death sad, but loved it all the same

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
33329 large
39658 original
Published 14 Aug 2016
33329 large
100487 original

What happens in the show?

It’s a puppet show. Mr Bumblegrum is very sad because his friend dies but he learns about friendship, love and death. 

Describe the show in five words

Amazing, funny, sad, good, lovely.

Who was your favourite character and why? 

My favourite characters were the trees and the sun because he was funny, happy and he sang.

Were there any characters you didn’t like? 

No, they were all good.

What did you like most about the show? 

I really liked the way the story was told and the puppets.

What didn’t you like about the show?


What did you think of the songs?

The music was great.


What did your grown-up think of the show? 

"It was a really well-produced show with lots of life lessons for kids, a beautifully portrayed story, and was very touching and uplifting."

Would you tell your friends to come and see the show? 

Yes, definitely!