
Ellie Rutherford loves the comedians but hates the hecklers at Toybox

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
Published 13 Aug 2011

Toybox was a very funny comedy show where Billy, Sian and Steven told jokes, played games and showed unbelievable magic! The audience loved it and laughed all the way through.

Billy started by running around the room giving high-fives and throwing out sweets – that was cool! His jokes were hilarious.

Sian came on next and played the “change” game with Billy. It was brilliant and all the audience took part. The comedians had to think quickly because everyone kept saying "change change change!!!!!!!"

I liked Steven, the magician, the best as he turned a £20 note into a £50 note – it was amazing and very clever!

I really enjoyed Toybox but one boy kept shouting out throughout. It was funny at first but got really annoying. Maybe the comedians should keep their sweets until the end and use them as missiles to hit anyone who had given them a hard time!